2. England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales became one state in 1800.
3. Almost 80% of the British live in towns or cities.
4. The Queen, Britain's official head of state, has little real power.
5. 'Bobbies', 'fuzz', 'cops' and 'pigs' are all nicknames for politicians.
6. The day after Christmas is known as Boxing day.
7. A drink without alcohol is known as a soft drink.
8. The second-most spoken language in Britain is reported to be Punjabi.
9. In Britain, there are two types of lawyers: solicitors and barristers.
10. Parliament consists of an elected House of Commons and an unelected House of Senators.

11. The gap in pay between the rich and the poor has increased since 1997.

12. The size and popularity of the National Trust suggest how important the countryside is to many British people.

13. The two main political parties are the Conservatives and Labour.
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